Friday, December 5, 2014

If you can't reach them, you can't teach them!

Another coach friend and I were talking about teacher success and the role relationship plays in that.  She said "if you can't reach them you can't teach them." I don't know if she came up with that herself but let's pretend she did.  (I like to surround myself with smart people). This quote is so spot on.  I have said it before and I will say it again- relationship is the key to a teachers success.

As educators, we must make the effort to know our kids.  Showing children they matter and are valued installs in them the respect and importance people desire.  In turn, kids will perform and comply with your classroom rules, behaviors and do the work harder and better.  

In my coaching role, I go in many classrooms and it is evident, almost immediately, what teachers possess this relationship with their students and those they don't.   The teachers who are successful in this have well managed classrooms in which you would like to stay.  The others....where is the door? 

If this is an area in which you struggle, begin now to correct this issue!  It is never too late.  It won't be easy but so worth it to make changes toward getting to know your kids and letting them know you.  I know you will find the effort worth while on the other side.  If you aren't sure where to begin ask a co-worker who has found success in this area or ask a coach to come and make suggestions and model for you.  Use trial and error but just try! 

Until next month.....