People say teaching is an art and I agree. Then why as new teachers do we assume we will be artist right off the bat? Was Di Vinci rocking out some amazing finger painting as a child? Okay, probably-bad example.
I tend to think of teaching like parenting. I was "ready" for my child and read all the books smart people read. I was fully aware of her need for quality engagement, zero screen time, and a schedule best suited to both our needs. Easy, right? The issue was Diva hadn't read the books. That sort of shattered that game plan. We have ideals of what our class will be like, how it will run, and how your students will be super excited about learning. And all that seems realistic the week BEFORE school starts then reality walks in the door. LITERALLY.
Your first year of teacher is spent trending water and trying frantically to balance the full plate of education while trying to function as a "real" person in your personal life. It is tough. The up side is it is also DOABLE! First, find a way to organize yourself--hands down the most important key to surviving this year. Second, find a mentor. If your school assigns one-great. If not, seek one out! Be open to your mentors suggestions and advice but remember what works for one does not always work for another. Third, remember that you are just starting out. Mistakes are going to be made, lessons will not go as planned, child will misbehave. You will not always be thrilled about meetings, training and extra duties as assigned. And remember you have Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring Break to take a breath. Enjoy the moments of success and the kids who are super excited about learning. Lastly, keep going! Don't give up. Being a teacher is such an amazing job. The rewards far outweigh the frustrations and stress that this job holds. Any job has stress and frustrations--not every job allows you to make such an impact on the world. You became a teacher for a reason and next year when you are less overwhelmed you will remember those reasons!
Until Next Week!