Friday, September 12, 2014

What You Allow is What Will Continue.....

I really love this quote shown in the title!  I have no idea who said it but it really resonates with me.  Largely, because it is one soooooooooo true and secondly because it is applicable to most areas of our life.   We have all been to let's call it.... Wal-Store and have heard the child acting mmmm let's call task and the parent cannot believe their angel is behaving this way.  Why not?!!!  All they have learned from your reaction is you can count to 4 over and over again.  Classroom management is completely this way.

I have been working with several teachers across grades and content regarding this topic this week.  Managing ourselves is tough, managing a group of children is tough even when you are seasoned.  It is VERY tough when you are new to the field.  It is a process of trial and error (mostly error).  Management is also one of the most important skills of a successful teacher.  Okay then, how does one improve on this?

The first step is admitting you have a problem--okay, I am kidding a little.  Realizing you don't have it down is important.  Have a seasoned teacher observe your "worst" class and then observe your "best" class.  They may notice things you are doing differently with each group.  That seasoned teacher simply has tried more strategies than you have had to opportunity to do.  They can offer suggestions.  Go observe the classes of teachers who excel at management and not just in your grade and content.  Great classroom management is not a grade or subject thing--it is a TEACHING thing.

It is important to remember that you can plan your lesson and know your content but if your class is chaotic no one is learning.  Do not allow behaviors you do not wish to see in the future.   Seek solutions and if something does not work, try something else.  Luckily, classroom management can be learned and adapted easily.  It does get better and you will find easier.  Good luck!!

Until Next Week

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