Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Technology Goals for a New Year....Is there a App for that?

You can hear the gasp from teachers across America (or let's be honest it is TOTALLY a cringe) when the school supplies surface on those Wal-Mart shelves.  It is THAT time again..... school.  And with most beginnings it is normal to reflect.  With a year (as a coach) under my belt, I have much to do differently and improve upon.  And one area for that growth is with technology.  I love technology!  I mean I no longer have to fill those seconds at the red light with thoughts or ask people what they ate last night for dinner---thanks Facebook.  I can create a life where I eat wonderful food, exercise, have a perfect house and wear amazing clothes--thanks Pinterest.  Wait, I just saw a tweet that you are suppose to actually DO the stuff you pin.  AS IF!  Maybe I am not using technology "correctly."  Or perhaps my "correctly" needs to be refined.

Far too often teachers (myself included) view using technology as a way to substitute their former assignments.  It may shock you but using Microsoft Word to type notes rather than writing them on paper is not infusing technology.  It is a start but it won't bring a deeper level of learning that technology has the power to do.  As I type this, my eight year old is writing her own blog (she asked).  She is reflecting on her life and is eager for feedback from others.  This is the way of their life.  The students in our classrooms are waiting for us to catch up to THEM!

It is my goal this year that as I work with teachers I will challenge them to engage learners with technology to deeper the knowledge and give it a hook on which to hang.  Using applications in a way that provides relevance and interest will allow our students a large concept on which to attach to hang the details of our class.  This is what makes information important to our kids.  This is what makes information stick in their brains.

Along the way, I will need to remember that teachers are in different cars along the information highway.  Some are Porsche roadsters and some are sitting on the side (with hazards on) and my support of them needs to represent this.  I am excited about this year and continuing to work with teachers to create engaging, exciting opportunities for our students to think, to reflect, and to deepen their learning.  

Well, I am off to lurk a message board on True Detective.... until next time.

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