Thursday, June 5, 2014

Feeling out of touch with technology?

Technology has definitely been the buzz word for 2014.  As I began planning for my Google Docs training I reflected about how my own teaching has changed throughout my nine years in the classroom.  My first year, you can hook your computer up to a TV (what!?!?!?!) and I used overhead transparencies (zzzzzz).  The biggest catalyst for that change has been technology.  My classes are so much more enjoyable because of what I have access to with technology-both hardware and software.  I am thankful for the technology and enjoy using it. 

However, having said that there has been a definite learning curve.  Just when you feel like you "get" something another cool idea or program comes out.  It is difficult to not feel out of touch-like the bus is speeding off and you are holding onto the bumper!  If you feel this way, I encourage you to take some summer training on technology and get ahead of the curve.  Yes, we all want our summer to be "school free" but the reality is when school starts exploring new options and best laid plans are set aside for the day to day task.  CISD has numerous options for training, search YouTube for ideas or spend 5 minutes a day playing around with new apps or reading a technology in education blog.  Doing so, will likely help you enjoy technology a little more and get excited about it for the fall. 

Enjoy your summer!  Until next week....

Kelly James

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